Our employees are the driving force behind our success. Their commitment is at the centre of everything we do, fueling our progress and shaping our future.
Their growth and career development is a vital part of their success and ours. We are dedicated to creating opportunities for colleagues to enhance their skills, advance their careers, and feel valued within our team.
But our commitment doesn’t stop at our own operations. We recognise the importance of safeguarding the well-being of everyone connected to our value chain. By fostering a supportive and ethical environment both within and beyond our organisation, we ensure that our impact extends positively throughout the communities and networks we touch.
We focus across three key areas;

We’re working towards an ambitious future, one we want to build together with all our employees. Creating spaces where our employees can speak freely about contributing to that future and how to participate in it is vital.
Our 2025 targets are to:
- Reduce Lost Time Incidents (LTIs) by 10% (2020 baseline) across Group.
- Establish Global Wellbeing Framework to support employee wellbeing, inspiring our employees to make informed decisions about their mental, physical and financial health.
- A commitment to equal opportunity and development for all within Hilton Foods.
- Achieve 30% of leadership roles filled by women.
- Promote the growth of our Women’s Network, aimed at providing support, development and action to those who identify as women within Hilton Food Group.
- Ensure employee consultative forums or works councils are operational at all Hilton Foods Sites.
Examples of what we do in this pillar:
- Established a Global Wellbeing Framework and Inclusion Network open to all employees so we can educate each other in areas where we may be unsure, and ensure all voices are heard to achieve equity for everyone at Hilton Foods.
- Integrated diversity and wellbeing objectives into our Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIPs) for senior leaders
- Mental Health First Aiders at all sites and extended training to reach more colleagues
- Established consultative forums or work councils at 20 sites
- Introduced AI analytics in our UK site which uses live data and analyses the safety behaviours at our sites, so we can identify risks before they lead to accidents.
- Supporting our communities is a valuable part of who we are. Many of our sites have worked to fundraise for causes important to them: from Make a Wish Foundation to Parkinson’s and East Anglia Children’s Hospices.
- Partner with Meat Business Women to provide our colleagues with a platform for creating connections, providing mentoring and hosting workshops that empower women across our business.

The global food system is a complex and we have a responsibility to protect the human rights of workers both within our business and our global supply chains.
This includes their labour rights; for example, access to effective grievance procedures, worker representation, and a safe working environment. Building strong ethical standards to embed respect for human rights across our value chain is an essential step toward a fairer food system. We have both an opportunity and a responsibility to provide a better future for all.
Our 2025 targets are:
- To have a functioning governance structure in place that looks after human rights risks and opportunities by end of 2022.
- To train all HFG employees on human rights.
- Development and roll out globally of core HFG Agency Labour Standards.
- 100% of labour and service providers audited to HFG Standard.
- Development and roll out globally of HFG Accommodation standards.
- 100% of primary suppliers agreed to HFG Supplier Code of Conduct.
- 100% of new primary suppliers screened using social criteria.
- 100% of high risk primary suppliers audited.
Examples of what we do in this pillar:
- Integrated 100% human rights audits for high-risk suppliers into our Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIPs) for senior leaders.
- 100% of primary suppliers audited against the Hilton Foods Supplier Social Code of Conduct and Hilton Foods Social Criteria.
- All employees are now trained on their work rights as part of their induction.
- Partnered with Slave-Free Alliance to protect human rights in our supply chain.
- In collaboration with an affiliate-led federation, the Transport Workers Federation and the transport authority, Stella Maris, resources were developed and translated for migrant fishers across the UK to raise awareness of their human rights.

The culture of our business is derived from our people, that’s why we are committed to supporting everyone's development. The innovation, resourcefulness and dedication of our employees is what makes Hilton a great place to work.
Our 2025 targets are:
- All colleagues will be offered the opportunity to participate in ‘work conversations’ or performance development reviews with their manager to discuss performance, development career aspirations, wellbeing and share ideas and feedback.
- Provide development opportunities for all management talent that has been identified as ‘ready for succession’ through the annual review of leadership capability and succession.
- 50 colleagues to go through leadership development programmes by 2025.
Examples of what we do in developing potential:
- We know the value of training for our employees and our customers. Along with upskilling, training offers important opportunities to enhance employee satisfaction, improve our internal processes and retain valuable employees. Our factories have conducted training covering:
- Lean Manufacturing
- Food Safety and Allergens
- Chemical Handling
- First Aid
- Electrical Safety
- Manufacturer Training for Equipment
- Manual Handling Training
- Personal Development Review Training
- Apprenticeships Across Functions
- Modern Slavery and Human Rights
- Apprenticeship programmes in Engineering, Accounting, Quality and People and Culture within the UK.
- Introduced our 'Manufacturing Excellence' programme to provide colleagues with the skills and knowledge to run a large and complex manufacturing business.
- Introduced the 'Emerging Leaders' programme to support key talent in progressing to the next level.